IELTS Calculator calculates the IELTS band score from raw scores in listening and reading and the overall band score from individual modules.

IELTS Overall Band Score Calculator

Select your possible Ielts score in each section and get the Ielts overall band score.

IELTS Overall Band Score

IELTS Raw Score Calculator

Out of 40
Your Score is _ Out of 9

Reading Academic
Out of 40
Your Score is _ Out of 9

Reading General
Out of 40
Your Score is _ Out of 9

IELTS Calculator is For Overall Band Score and Raw Score Calculation

The IELTS Calculator calculates the IELTS band score from raw scores in listening and reading and the overall band score from individual modules. The IELTS calculator is helpful for you if you wish to calculate your estimated IELTS band score.

The IELTS score shows your proficiency level in english from a 1 to 9 band score, 1 is the lowest, and 9 is the highest band. If you get 9 bands, it means you have an excellent command of english, and if you score 5, it shows that your english is average.

The IELTS Calculator is a free online tool for anyone who wants to know the overall score from individual scores they score in listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It also calculates the estimated IELTS band score using your raw scores. If you are planning to study or work in a country where english is the first language, this tool is needed.

The IELTS test is used to evaluate english language proficiency, not your level of intelligence. So, you can score a good band if you prepare properly. Most universities and employers accept the IELTS test, which is recognised internationally.


What Is The IELTS Calculator, And How Does It Work?

Ielts calculator is an online free tool that allows you to enter your scores in each test module, like listening, reading, writing, and speaking, and then calculate your estimated band score. It also calculates the estimated band based on your correct answer in academic and general reading and listening exams.

How Can I Find My Raw Scores In Each IELTS Module?

Your raw score is the correct answers for each module out of 40 questions in the reading and listening sections. But in writing and speaking modules, the raw score is based on your performance and skill. You can evaluate yourself or evaluate with the help of the tutor.

You can see your raw scores in each module by checking your answer sheet for the listening and reading modules. However, in writing and listening, you can get them with the help of your teacher or mentor. Our IELTS calculator helps to get a band score from your raw scores in the reading and listening sections.

How Are The Raw Scores Converted Into Band Scores?

The raw scores are converted into band scores using a conversion table, but the conversion table is not publicly available, so you use the IELTS calculator to estimate your band score with your raw score. For that, you have to know your raw score.

How Can I Choose Which Version Of IELTS To Take?

You should choose the IELTS version according to your purpose and need. If you are applying for academic studies, you should take the academic IELTS. And, if you are applying for work or migration, you can go with general IELTS.

How Long Is The IELTS Test, And What Does It Contain?

The IELTS test has four modules: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The time of the IELTS test is about 2 hours and 45 minutes. The listening module is approx 30 minutes and has four sections with 10 questions in each section and 40 questions in total. The reading module is for 60 minutes and has 3 sections with 40 questions in total. The writing module is given 60 minutes for two sections. The speaking module time duration may vary from 10 to 15 minutes, with the introduction, speaking on topics, and discussion sections.

Can The IELTS Calculator Estimate Band Scores For Individual Sections?

The IELTS calculator calculates band scores for the listening and reading sections with the help of your correct answers in academic or general IELTS. You can enter your correct number of answers for each section and get an estimated band score.

Is There Any Fee To Use The IELTS Calculator?

No, the IELTS calculator is a free online tool. It does not cost any fee for the users.

Can I Use The IELTS Calculator To Prepare The Test?

No, the Ielts calculator is not a study resource. However, it can be helpful to understand the scoring system and how marking is done for each section. And it also helps to get an overall band score.

Why Is It Important To Know IELTS Raw Score?

Knowing your IELTS raw score can help to guess your test band before taking a real test. Your raw score can also help you to study more effectively for your test. If you know the questions you did wrong, you can study well, which will help you get a good score on your real test. You may know the overall band score after the test but not the raw score.

How Can I Score A Good Band In IELTS Speaking

Scoring well in the IELTS speaking test requires preparation and practice.

1. Understand the test format: Familiarise yourself with the structure of the speaking test. It consists of an introduction and interview, an individual long turn, and a two-way discussion.

2. Develop your language skills: Enhance your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Expand your range of vocabulary and practice using complex sentence structures.

3. Practice regularly: Find a language partner or join a speaking club to practice speaking in English regularly. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll become.

4. Understand the assessment criteria: Familiarise yourself with the IELTS speaking band descriptors. It will give you an idea of what the examiners look for in each band score and help you focus on the relevant aspects.

5. Improve fluency and coherence: Maintain a steady flow of speech, avoiding long pauses or hesitation. Connect your ideas logically, using appropriate linking words and phrases.

6. Enhance pronunciation: Work on your pronunciation by practising individual sounds, word stress, and intonation. Focus on clear and accurate delivery to ensure your speech is easily understood.

7. Develop listening skills: Improve your understanding of accents and speech patterns. Listen to English audio materials, such as podcasts, news broadcasts, or interviews, and try to comprehend the content accurately.

8. Expand your knowledge: Develop a broad understanding of various topics, as the speaking test can cover a range of subjects. Read newspapers, articles, and books to increase your knowledge base.

9. Practice time management: Pay attention to the timing during the test. Practice speaking within the given time limits for each section to cover all the questions adequately.

10. Seek feedback: Record your practice sessions or ask someone to evaluate your performance. Take note of where you can improve and work on those aspects.

Remember that confidence and maintaining a positive attitude are crucial during the test. Consistent practice and dedicated preparation can increase your chances of scoring well on the IELTS speaking test.

How Can I Score A Good Band In Ielts Listening

Scoring well in the IELTS listening test requires focus, practice, and effective strategies.

1. Familiarise yourself with the test format: Understand the structure of the listening test, which consists of four sections with various question types. Review the instructions and question types to be prepared.

2. Develop your listening skills: Regularly practice to improve your overall listening ability. Listen to various English audio materials such as podcasts, news broadcasts, movies, and TV shows. Pay attention to different accents and practice understanding the main ideas, specific details, and the speaker's attitude or purpose.

3. Enhance your vocabulary: Expand your vocabulary range to understand various topics and contexts better. Learn common synonyms, antonyms, and collocations to aid comprehension.

4. Focus on note-taking: Develop effective note-taking skills to capture key information while listening. Use abbreviations, symbols, and shorthand to jot down important details quickly. Practice summarising information while listening to improve your ability to extract key points.

5. Predict and anticipate: Before listening to each section, read the questions and try to predict the kind of information you will hear. This will help you anticipate the answers and focus your attention during the recording.

6. Use context and clues: Use contextual clues and the information in the questions to guide your listening. Look for keywords, synonyms, or paraphrases that might be used in the recording.

7. Pay attention to instructions: Be mindful of the specific instructions for each question type. Understanding what is required will help you identify the correct answers more effectively.

8. Manage your time: Develop good time management skills during the test. Listen carefully to the instructions for each section, and be aware of how much time you have to answer the questions. Pace yourself accordingly to ensure you complete all sections.

9. Practice with past papers: Familiarise yourself with the IELTS listening test by practising with past papers or online practice tests. This will help you become familiar with the question types and improve your speed and accuracy.

10. Seek feedback: Record yourself practising the listening test or have someone evaluate your performance. Review your mistakes and identify areas for improvement. Focus on specific question types or listening skills that require further practice.

Consistent practice and exposure to various listening materials are key to improving your listening skills. By implementing these strategies and dedicating time to regular practice, you can enhance your performance in the IELTS listening test and achieve a good band score.

How Can I Score A Good Band In IELTS Reading

Scoring well in the IELTS reading test requires a combination of effective strategies, time management, and language skills.

1. Understand the test format: Familiarise yourself with the structure of the reading test, which consists of three sections with various question types. Read the instructions carefully for each section and question type.

2. Enhance your reading skills: Engage in regular reading practice to improve your reading speed, comprehension, and vocabulary. Read various English texts such as articles, newspapers, magazines, and academic texts to expose yourself to different writing styles and topics.

3. Skim and scan: Develop skimming and scanning techniques to quickly identify the text's main ideas, topic sentences, and specific details. Skimming helps you get a general understanding of the passage, while scanning helps you locate specific information.

4. Focus on keywords: Pay attention to keywords and phrases in both the questions and the passage. These can help you locate relevant information and find the answers more efficiently. Look for synonyms or paraphrases of the keywords in the text.

5. Highlight and underline: Use a pencil or highlighter to mark important information or keywords in the passage. This will help you refer back to specific parts of the text when answering the questions.

6. Practice different question types: Familiarise yourself with the various question types in the IELTS reading test, such as multiple choice, True/False/Not Given, matching, sentence completion, and others. Understand the specific requirements for each question type and practice them extensively.

7. Time management: Keep an eye on the time during the test and allocate it wisely. Remember, each section has a specific time limit, so try to complete each section within the given time frame. If you're struggling with a particular question, move on and come back to it later if you have time.

8. Guess intelligently: If you're unsure about an answer, make an educated guess based on the information in the passage. Eliminate any incorrect options and choose the one that seems most likely.

9. Expand your vocabulary: Improve your vocabulary range to better understand various topics and academic language. Learn new words, collocations, and synonyms that commonly appear in academic texts.

10. Practice with past papers: Familiarise yourself with the IELTS reading test by practising with past papers or online practice tests. This will help you become familiar with the question types, manage your time effectively, and improve your overall performance.

Remember to develop a regular reading habit, read widely, and practice using different question types. By implementing these strategies and dedicating time to consistent preparation, you can enhance your performance in the IELTS reading test and achieve a good band score.

How Can I Score A Good Band In IELTS Writing

Scoring well in the IELTS writing test requires practice, planning, and attention to detail.

1. Understand the task requirements: Read the instructions carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked of you. Pay attention to the word limit, format, and any specific instructions provided.

2. Analyse the question: Break down the question and identify the main points, key terms, and the specific focus or argument you need to address. This will help you structure your response effectively.

3. Plan your response: Take a few minutes to plan your ideas before you start writing. Create an outline or a mind map to organise your thoughts and ensure a coherent and logical flow in your essay.

4. Structure your essay: Use a clear and well-organised structure for your essay. Include an introduction, body paragraphs with supporting evidence and examples, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea or topic.

5. Develop your ideas: Support your arguments and opinions with relevant examples, evidence, and explanations. Use specific details, facts, or statistics to strengthen your points and make your essay more persuasive.

6. Use appropriate vocabulary and grammar: Demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Use academic language and vocabulary specific to the topic. Aim for accuracy and clarity in your writing.

7. Write coherently and cohesively: Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly from one paragraph to another. Use appropriate transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a cohesive and coherent essay.

8. Manage your time effectively: Divide your time wisely between planning, writing, and reviewing your essay. Allocate sufficient time to each section to complete the task within the given time limit.

9. Proofread and edit your work: Leave some time at the end to review and revise your essay. Check for grammar and spelling errors, improve sentence structures, and ensure your essay makes sense and effectively communicates your ideas.

10. Practice regularly: Practice writing essays on various topics to improve your writing skills. Seek feedback from teachers, native English speakers, or writing tutors to identify areas for improvement.

Remember to address the task requirements, provide a clear and well-structured response, and use appropriate language and examples to support your ideas. By following these tips and dedicating time to practice, you can enhance your performance in the IELTS writing test and achieve a good band score.

IELTS Speaking Topics And Answers.

Here are a few IELTS speaking topics along with sample answers:

Topic: Technology

Q: How often do you use technology in your daily life?

A: I use technology extensively in my daily life. From the moment I wake up, I rely on my smartphone to check emails, social media updates, and the latest news. Throughout the day, I use my laptop for work, research, and entertainment purposes. Technology has become an integral part of my routine, making tasks more convenient and efficient.

Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?

A: Social media offers numerous advantages, such as connecting with friends and family, networking, and staying updated on current events. It also provides a platform for sharing ideas and expressing opinions. However, excessive use of social media can lead to addiction, decreased productivity, and privacy concerns. It's important to strike a balance and use it responsibly.

Topic: Travel

Q: Do you enjoy travelling? Why or why not?

A: Yes, I absolutely love travelling. It provides an opportunity to explore new cultures, meet different people, and broaden my horizons. Travelling allows me to step out of my comfort zone, experience diverse landscapes and cuisines, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around me. It's an enriching and transformative experience that I always look forward to.

Q: What are the benefits of travelling to other countries?

A: Traveling to other countries offers numerous benefits. It exposes us to different customs, traditions, and languages, promoting cultural understanding and tolerance. It allows us to learn about history, art, and architecture firsthand. Travelling broadens our perspectives, enhances adaptability, and fosters personal growth. It's an invaluable experience that promotes lifelong learning.

Topic: Education

Q: What are the advantages of studying abroad?

A: Studying abroad provides a range of advantages. Firstly, it offers exposure to a different education system, teaching methods, and academic environment. This helps broaden one's knowledge and enhances critical thinking skills. Secondly, studying abroad allows students to immerse themselves in a different culture, make international connections, and develop a global perspective. Lastly, it presents opportunities for personal growth, independence, and building resilience.

Q: Should university education be free for all students?

A: The issue of free university education is a complex one. While it would be ideal to provide access to higher education for all students, implementing a fully free system could have financial implications and potentially compromise the quality of education. However, I believe in providing affordable education options, scholarships, and financial aid to ensure that deserving students are not hindered by financial constraints. It's important to strike a balance between accessibility and maintaining educational standards.

Please note that these are sample answers, and it's crucial to develop your own responses based on your personal experiences and opinions. Additionally, remember to practice speaking on a wide range of topics to be well-prepared for the IELTS speaking test.

IELTS Writing Topics And Answers.

Here are a few IELTS writing topics, along with sample answers:

Topic: Technology

Question: Advantages and disadvantages of the internet

Answer: The internet has revolutionised how we live and has numerous advantages. Firstly, it provides easy access to a vast amount of information, allowing users to research and learn about any topic. Secondly, it has transformed communication, enabling people to connect with others globally through email, social media, and video calls. However, the internet also has its drawbacks. It can be a source of misinformation, cyberbullying, and privacy concerns. Additionally, excessive screen time and internet addiction are becoming increasingly prevalent. It's crucial to use the internet responsibly and strike a balance between its benefits and potential negative effects.

Topic: Education

Question: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning

Answer: Online learning, also known as e-learning, offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides flexibility and convenience, allowing students to access educational resources and complete coursework at their own pace and schedule. It also eliminates geographical barriers, enabling learners to access high-quality education from institutions worldwide. However, online learning has its challenges. Lack of face-to-face interaction and the absence of a physical classroom environment can hinder social interaction and collaboration. Technical issues and internet connectivity problems can also disrupt the learning process. Despite these challenges, online learning has proven to be an effective alternative, particularly during times of crisis or when traditional education options are limited.

Topic: Environment

Question: Causes and solutions for deforestation

Answer: Deforestation, the clearing of forests, has multiple causes. Firstly, agricultural expansion is a significant driver of deforestation as forests are cleared to make way for crops or livestock. Logging, both legal and illegal, contributes to deforestation as well. Moreover, urbanisation and infrastructure development lead to the destruction of forests. To address deforestation, several solutions can be implemented. Governments should enforce stricter regulations on illegal logging and provide incentives for sustainable forestry practices. Promoting reforestation and afforestation programs can help restore forest cover. Additionally, raising awareness among communities about the importance of forests and their ecological benefits is crucial for long-term conservation efforts.

Topic: Health

Question: Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of a sedentary lifestyle.

Answer: A sedentary lifestyle, characterised by a lack of physical activity and prolonged periods of sitting or inactivity, has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, a sedentary lifestyle may provide individuals with more time for rest and relaxation, reducing stress levels. Additionally, sedentary activities such as reading or engaging in creative hobbies can promote mental well-being. However, the drawbacks of a sedentary lifestyle are significant. Lack of exercise increases the risk of various health problems, including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal issues. It's crucial to strike a balance by incorporating regular physical activity into daily routines while also allowing time for rest and leisure activities.

Topic: Globalisation

Question: Discuss the impact of globalisation on cultural diversity.

Answer: Globalisation has had a profound impact on cultural diversity. On the one hand, globalisation has facilitated cultural exchange, allowing people from different regions to learn about and appreciate diverse cultures. It has also opened up opportunities for cultural expression and preservation through various forms of media and communication. However, globalisation has also led to the homogenisation and commodification of culture, as certain dominant cultural influences can overshadow or suppress local traditions and practices. It's important to strike a balance by promoting cultural awareness, inclusivity, and the preservation of unique cultural identities in the face of globalisation.

Topic: Climate Change

Question: Discuss the causes and effects of climate change.

Answer: Climate change is primarily caused by human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The effects of climate change are far-reaching and include rising global temperatures, melting polar ice caps, sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems and biodiversity. These impacts pose significant challenges to human societies, including threats to food security, water resources, and human health. Addressing climate change requires concerted efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, protect ecosystems, and promote sustainable practices across various sectors.

Topic: Social Media

Question: Discuss the impact of social media on society.

Answer: Social media has had a profound impact on society. On the one hand, it has revolutionised communication, allowing people to connect and share information on a global scale. Social media platforms provide a platform for networking, staying updated with news and events, and fostering online communities. Moreover, it has become an essential tool for businesses and marketing. However, social media also has its downsides. It can contribute to increased screen time, addiction, and decreased face-to-face social interaction. It has also been associated with cyberbullying, privacy concerns, and the spread of misinformation. Balancing the benefits and drawbacks of social media usage is crucial to ensure its positive impact on society.

Topic: Sustainable Development

Question: Discuss the importance of sustainable development for future generations.

Answer: Sustainable development, which balances environmental, social, and economic considerations, is crucial for the well-being of future generations. It aims to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development ensures the preservation of natural resources, biodiversity, and ecosystems for future use. It also promotes social equity, ensuring that all individuals have access to basic needs and opportunities. Moreover, sustainable economic practices promote long-term prosperity and stability. By prioritising sustainability, we can create a world that provides for the needs of both present and future generations, fostering a healthier and more equitable society.

Topic: Tourism

Question: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mass tourism.

Answer: Mass tourism, characterised by large numbers of tourists visiting popular destinations, has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it contributes to economic growth, job creation, and infrastructure development in tourist destinations. It promotes cultural exchange and understanding as visitors interact with locals. Moreover, tourism revenue can support conservation efforts and the preservation of cultural heritage. On the other hand, mass tourism can lead to overdevelopment, environmental degradation, and strain on local resources. It may also contribute to cultural commodification and the loss of authenticity in tourist destinations. Striking a balance between tourism development and sustainability is essential to maximise the benefits while mitigating the negative impacts of mass tourism.

Please note that these are sample answers, and it's important to make your own answer based on your own knowledge and opinions. The IELTS writing test may have various question types, such as opinion essays, problem-solution essays, or discursive essays. Make sure to practice writing on a variety of topics and become familiar with different question formats.
